A1. Identify the registrant that conducted lobbying activities during the reporting period.
Individual Registrant
Name of Registrant: Tyler Bennett
Business Phone: 443-343-7143
Organization: Compass Government Relations Partners, LLC
Cell Phone: 410-428-2301
Address: 48 Maryland Avenue, Suite 400, Annapolis, MD, 21401
A2. Was any other individual required to register as a lobbyist on behalf of the registrant: Tyler Bennett
Identification of Employer
A3. Identify the employer that compensated the registrant for lobbying activities during the reporting period.
Employer of Registrant
Organization: Girl Scouts of Central Maryland
Nature of Business: Regional Organization for the Girl Scouts
Phone: 410-358-9711
Address: 4806 Seton Drive, Baltimore, MD, 21215
A4. Does your employer claim an exemption from filing its own registration and activity reports?
Yes, Exempt
A5. Did you represent any other entity with regard to the matters covered by registration to this employer?
Reporting Period
A6. State the registration period during which you represent your employer and the reporting period for which this activity report is effective. If you terminate services with your employer anytime before the conclusion of the reporting period, you must include a termination date.
Registration Period:
Activity Report:
Activity Report 2/2
Reporting Period:
Lobbying Subject Matters
A7. Identify the subject matters that pertain to lobbying activities conducted during the reporting period on behalf of your employer. You must identify at least one subject matter and you may select up to five.
Subject Matter
Operating Budget
State Funding
A8. Did you engage in lobbying activity, to include but not limited to: supporting or opposing specific legislation, procurements or regulations?
Please provide more specific details (e.g. Senate or House bill numbers, procurement contracts, regulations and codes) for the matters on which you lobbied.
State funding
Primary Purpose of the Organization
A9. Is your employer organized for the primary purpose of attempting to influence any legislation or executive action?
Part B. Compensation and Operating Expenditures
Compensation to Lobbyist and Staff
B1. What was the total compensation attributed to the registrant / lobbyist?
Total Compensation: $483.33
B2. Was the amount prorated because the registrant / lobbyist was compensated for services in addition to lobbying activities?
B3. What was the total for salaries, compensation and reimbursed expenses paid to staff related to lobbying services for this employer?
Total Expenses: $0.00
Operating Expenses
B4. Did you or your employer incur any additional office expenses not reported above as "Compensation"?
B5. Did you or your employer incur any cost for professional and technical research and assistance not reported as "Compensation"?
B6. Did you or your employer incur any expenses for publications or other costs (Grassroots expenses) related to expressly encouraging persons to communicate with officials or employees?
B7. Did you pay any fee or incur any expenses for witnesses who were engaged to appear on behalf of your employer?
B8. Did you incur any other expenses for this employer not otherwise accounted for above?
Part B. Total Compensation & Operating Expenses:
Part C. Event Expenditures
Sponsored Events
C1. Did you or your employer incur expenses for special events, including dinners and receptions, entertainment and other functions to which all members of the General Assembly, either house thereof, all members of any standing committee or all members of a formally recognized county or regional delegation have received written invitations.
Tickets to Events
C2. Did you or your employer incur any expense for a ticket or free admission for any members of the General Assembly to attend charitable, cultural or political events?
Total Ticket Expenses: $0.00
Part D. Meals, Beverages and Related Expenditures
Meals and Beverages at Legislative Meetings
D1. Did you or your employer incur any expenses for food and beverages received by any member(s) of the General Assembly at approved legislative organization meetings?
Total Legislative Meeting
Expenses: $0.00
Meals and Beverages in Return for a Speaking Engagement
D2. Did you or your employer incur any expenses for food, lodging, or scheduled entertainment of officials and employees for a meeting which were given in return for participation in a panel or speaking engagement at a meeting?
Total Speaking Engagement
Expenses: $0.00
Meals and Beverages to Officials, Employees or their Immediate Families
D3. Did you or your employer provide any meals and beverages for officials or employees or their immediate families, not reported above?
Meals and Beverages to Elected Executive Officials or their Immediate Families
D4. Did your employer, or you on behalf of your employer give any gifts or participate in the giving of any gifts of meals and beverages to elected Executive Officials or a member of the official's immediate family? Immediate family members include a spouse and any dependent children.
Part E. Gift Expenditures
Gifts for Officials, Employees or their Immediate Families
E1. Did you or your employer give any gifts to or for officials or employees or their immediate families, which were not reported elsewhere in this activity report? If so, enter the total amount for all gifts
Gifts Above the $75 Threshold
E2. Did your employer, or you on behalf of your employer give any gifts or participate in the giving of any
gifts to officials, employees or their immediate family members that meets a cumulative value of $75 or more? Or
have you provided individually to legislators, any tickets or free admission to events, with a cumulative value
of $100 or more?
Total Expenditures during Reporting Period:
Affirmation Provision
Submission of this activity report is required to be made under oath or affirmation. The oath or affirmation shall be confirmed by electronic signature, which is made expressly under penalties for perjury, to the same extent as an oath or affirmation made before an individual authorized to administer oaths.
I have read the disclaimer above and hereby swear and affirm that the information contained in this report is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.